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Let's create music together...for everyone.

Collaborate with
Brian Swartz

  • Do you have a song that needs a unique sound and you want a trumpet solo?

  • Do you need to hire a trumpet player who can record their parts remotely and send you back high quality files professionally performed?

  • Do you need a theme song for your podcast?

  • Do you want a big band arrangement of your music?

  • How about adding a horn section to your band or recording project?

  • Do you need written copies of your music professionally prepared?

  • Do you have the lyrics and melody of a song written and you don't know what chords go with it?


These are musical problems that Brian Swartz can help you to solve.

Contact Brian Swartz to get started!

  • facebook
  • instagram
  • twitter

Los Angeles, CA

©2024 by Brian Swartz and Pure BS Music. Proudly created with

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