Brian Swartz Press
Reviews & Interviews
"Time To Wine Down" Podcast
Brian Swartz discusses artistic inspiration in this podcast interview in two parts by Jeff Hall.

LA Jazz Scene
September, 2020
Brian Swartz is best-known as a cool-toned and fluent trumpeter. To Be With You also displays two other sides of the talented musician, revealing him to be a personable singer and a fine songwriter too.
To Be With You teams Swartz with guitarist Steve Cotter, bassist Chris Colangelo, and drummer Kendall Kay with a guest appearances by keyboardist John Beasley and two apiece from tenor-saxophonist Keith Fiddmont (a major asset on the instrumental “Molly and Vern”) and organist Scott Healy. The musicians perform six of the trumpeter’s straight ahead originals (the title cut is played twice) plus seven standards with Swartz singing on most of the selections. Of the newer songs, “To Be With You,” “Old Friends,” and “Who’s Bob” are most memorable.
While his singing is pleasing, effective and occasionally witty (most notably on an over-the-top section of “You Don’t Know What Love Is”), Brian Swartz fortunately does not neglect his trumpet and flugelhorn playing. In fact, the way that he usually takes a short vocal and then immediately plays his horn is a little reminiscent of Chet Baker.
This is a fun CD that is recommended and available from www.brianswartz.com.
Scott Yanow
LA Jazz Scene
September, 2020
Brian Swartz was recently interviewed about his latest album, "To Be With You," by Trish Hennessey of Hybrid Jazz.
Here's a link to the interview:
"Brian Swartz WOWED me when I heard his new work. With his trusty and sublimely talented fellow artists and friends. And the first time that his vocal "truth" is featured. I say that because some singers are technically perfect but leave many of us cold. Brian has that Old School swagger AND vulnerability - it reminds me of what I used to hear on WIP AM back in Philly. Late 50's, early 60's. I hear the hurt of Chet Baker, the casual throwaways of Sinatra - but the contemporary fierceness that usually doesn't get focus in Jazz. Yeah, I'm a fan."
Trish Hennessey
August 5, 2020
The Art Podcast - 2/17/19
Brian Swartz was interviewed by Rebecca Evans of The Art Podcast about his creative process, working with John Beasley and his tenure with Oingo Boingo Former Members.
Brian Swartz on The Dork Forest with Jackie Kashian
REVIEW of "To Be With You" by
Thierry Docmac
Bayou Blue Radio – Paris-Move
PARIS-MOVE, July 25th 2020
"...what should be remembered above all is this joie de vivre and this carefree attitude that permeates this album, to the point of making us forget the sad reality of today's world. Which is not nothing, you will agree ...
Even if this CD may seem 'classic', it is not and it will certainly become, because there is a rewrite of the known themes which offers a replay and an atmosphere that reminds of Carol Duboc's first two albums. . Something to celebrate! Needless to say about the quality of trumpeter Brian Swartz, whom all Jazz aficionados know and appreciate greatly."
Here's a link to the full review in English: "To Be With You" Paris-Move Review - English
Brian Swartz Interview with Bobby Zeno on KPFK Radio 1/25/14